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【都民ファ】“子どものいる家庭は禁煙”条例案に「都民ファシスト」の声…禁煙学会は歓迎 「喫煙者はそろそろ止め時では」★5

892 :名無しさん@1周年:2017/08/05(土) 23:57:30.93 ID:Psg3/u3D0.net
Second-hand tobacco smoke is also referred
as ‘environmental tobacco smoke’, ‘passive
smoking’ or ‘involuntary smoking’ (IARC,
2004). ← 知恵遅れの2004年ソース

The terms ‘passive smoking’ or ‘involuntary
smoking’ suggest that while involuntary or
passive smoking is not acceptable, voluntary or
active smoking is acceptable. In this document,
we use the term second-hand tobacco smoke
(WHO, 2010). ← はい知恵遅れ死亡


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