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■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています

【宇宙】 NASA、地球や他惑星をエイリアンから守る「惑星保護官」募集。給料は最高約2000万円 (sorae.jp)

76 :名無しさん@1周年:2017/08/03(木) 11:17:59.70 ID:p5E8GJtT0.net

A. Degree: physical science, engineering, or mathematics that included 24 semester hours
in physical science and/or related engineering science such as mechanics, dynamics,
properties of materials, and electronics.


B. Combination of education and experience - education equivalent to one of the majors shown in A above
that included at least 24 semester hours in physical science and/or related engineering science,
plus appropriate experience or additional education.
Candidates must have a bachelor's degree, preferably an advanced degree in engineering, physical science,
or mathematics that included 24 semester hours in physical science and/or related engineering science
such as mechanics, dynamics, properties of materials, or electronics.



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