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【国連】国連事務総長 国連特別報告者のテロ等準備罪法案批判について「国連の総意ではない」 安倍首相との会談で ★14

75 :名無しさん@1周年:2017/05/29(月) 09:43:58.19 ID:T+AEjpaB0.net
Over Cannataci's claims, Guterres told Abe the special rapporteur acts as an individual, separate from the United Nations,
and that the rapporteur's views do not necessary reflect the opinion of the world body, according to the ministry.
「opinion」じゃなくて「the opinion」になってる。「opinion」でも「総意」ではないが。


28 May 2017
Note to Correspondents: In response to questions on the meeting between the Secretary-General and Prime Minister Abe of Japan

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