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970 :名無しさん@1周年:2016/10/23(日) 14:48:07.75 ID:UbwDD7po0.net

R&T: The hand off between the car and the driver is often said to be the biggest challenge in introducing semiautonomous features in production vehicles.
Has NHTSA given any indication as to regulations regarding hands-off steering and how that should be handled?

Nair: Well, I think that you're at that right now, at the Level 3. And that's a bit of a problem with Level 3 and trying to increment your way from Level 3 to Level 4.
As you get to these higher level percentages of automation and higher level percentage of people's time not driving the vehicle, due to natural human nature and natural human psychology,
the driver loses attention and loses awareness of what the situation actually is.
And then when the vehicle needs to hand over, it's harder and harder to hand over as those percentages go higher. We've seen this a little bit from the aerospace industry.
When we're talking about Level 4, it's under an assumption that you're in that geo-fenced area.
And obviously the weather is reasonably OK, which we hope we can predict with some accuracy within a reasonable amount of time.
We'll never be in a situation that the vehicle has to hand over, and so that solves that human-machine-interface problem that you just mentioned.
That's our point of view. You'd have to talk to other manufactures―there are others who do think you can increment your way.
Our view is we'll continue to work on driver-assist technologies, but Level 4 will not be achieved by incrementing your way. You have to start with an assumption that you never have to hand over.

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