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赤岳で67歳男性100メートル滑落し死亡 登山する際はヘルメットを着用し下山時にはストックを使わず慎重に歩くよう警察が注意を呼びかけ

24 :名無しさん@1周年:2016/10/19(水) 11:23:56.94 ID:0SeJlIRe0.net

We can often heard such question sentences that begin with
“why cannot Japanese..” or similar; for example, “why cannot
Japanese hatch innovative web service like as Google and Amazon?”,
“why couldn’t Japanese invent the smart-phone?” and “why are
there no persons like as Steve Jobs in Japan?"

I’m of the opinion that those questions have no more significance
than the question “why cannot the monkey speak any languages?”
Simply, it’s caused by the inborn inferiority of Japanese race.


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