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【米大統領選】トランプ氏支持、いまだゼロ クリントン氏支持は17社=新聞上位100社−専門紙集計

172 :名無しさん@1周年:2016/10/06(木) 15:46:46.67 ID:wb3cA+w/0.net

Of course, those who distort or justify war crimes of their own fatherland
are to be blamed, but more harmful and dangerous to the world are
incurable idiots who are unaware of it.

I wonder how many Japanese precisely understand that Japan
with Nazi Germany, trying to conquer the world, invaded Asian
countries and thereby murdered not less than 20 million Asian people.


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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★