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426 :名無しさん@1周年 (ワッチョイ cad0-e7L+):2016/09/27(火) 09:04:46.97 ID:ZqIYz1aU0.net
There is little evidence that the Japanese military abducted or was directly involved in entrapping women in Korea,
which had been a Japanese colony for decades when the war began,
although the women and activists who support them say the women were often deceived and forced to work against their will.

"No official documents were found that directly showed forcible taking away by the military on the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan,
where the people living there were made "subjects" of the Japanese Empire under Japanese colonial rule.
Prostitution agents were prevalent due to the poverty and patriarchal family system.
For that reason, even if the military was not directly involved,
it is said it was possible to gather many women through such methods as work-related scams and human trafficking."

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