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【尖閣沖】中国公船問題 日本政府はアメリカと緊密に連携 米国務省「日米安保条約が適用される」と再確認★2

46 :名無しさん@1周年:2016/08/10(水) 22:14:40.33 ID:cmIv4Naa0.net

QUESTION: I also have a sort of technical question.
Beyond reclamations, it’s been reported that there’s been an increasing number of Chinese coast guard ships that have been spotted near the Senkaku Islands.
Would you extend the same sort of statement of concern?
How do you assess these actions?

MS TRUDEAU: So we’re closely monitoring the situation.
We’re in close communication with the Japanese Government regarding their concerns.
The United States position on the Senkaku Islands, as stated previously by the President, is clear and longstanding.
The Senkaku Islands have been under Japanese administration since the reversion of Okinawa in 1972.
As such, they fall within the scope of Article 5 of the 1960 U.S.-Japan Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security.
We do not take a position on the question of ultimate sovereignty on the islands.

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