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【国際】中国高速鉄道、各国がインチキ気づき中止相次ぐ 「日本案のほうがよかった」との声も

345 :名無しさん@1周年:2016/07/07(木) 12:25:13.45 ID:OhHULZAD0.net
Japanese TV anchors lose their jobs amid claims
          of political pressure
Supporters of the three news broadcasters say prime minister had private dinners with top media executives before the departures
Many British politicians would doubtless rejoice at the news that Andrew Marr, Emily Maitlis and Andrew Neil were to leave their jobs almost simultaneously.

That is the fate that has befallen what could loosely be described as their counterparts in Japan – Ichiro Furutachi, Hiroko Kuniya and Shigetada Kishii – three respected broadcasters with a reputation for asking tough questions.
厳しい質問をするという評判をもつ3人のブロードキャスター – 古舘伊知郎、国谷裕子と岸井成格 – への処遇に日本国内ではあまり関心がなくこんな運命が降りかかったのです。

Their imminent departure from evening news programmes is not just a loss to their profession; critics say they were forced out as part of a crackdown on media dissent by an increasingly intolerant prime minister, Shinzo Abe, and his supporters.

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★