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【国際】 エイリアンに誘拐された男性がエイリアンから教えられた予言を公開

881 :名無しさん@1周年:2016/02/22(月) 20:14:02.51 ID:sGelxU/70.net
“He told me that every one of our governments have been lying to us from
day one and not to trust them. He also warned not to trust the banks as
they have been lying as well and have a hidden agenda.

“He also forewarned the impending global financial crisis and told me that
if we do not change our ways we are going to end up like the dinosaurs.”

>>1 の和訳だと笑い話に聞こえるけど
政府が我々に何か隠しているらしいが、「 from day one 」の意味がよくわからない

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