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【国際】尖閣国有化直前、米高官が日本側に中国と事前協議するよう要請 クリントン氏公開メールから判明

539 :名無しさん@1周年:2016/02/03(水) 14:01:09.97 ID:Cudrsn0eQ.net
Mr. John J. Loftus and Mr. Mark Aarons, and
the book "The Secret War Against The Jews" (1994).

Our sources in the intelligence community say that we have learned noth-
ing and that nothing has changed except the levels of secrecy. Every evil thing
that happened behind the scenes in the Holocaust and the Cold War hap-
pened again recently. The secret espionage war against the Jews continued. It
was just better concealed, that's all. Like a great stage shrouded in darkness,
the play went on with new characters playing the same parts, acting out the
same scenes. Only the names on the playbill are different.
(page 326)

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