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【海外】シー・シェパードの活動家2人拘束 デンマーク・フェロー諸島の砂浜で警察が取り押さえる(動画あり) [産経ニュース][07/24]

143 :税金泥棒(石巻復興を騙って23億円ブッコ抜く):2015/07/24(金) 19:02:20.02 ID:D3QwdHOC0.net

Sea Shepherd Land Team Leader, Rosie Kunneke of South Africa, and Sea Shepherd Land Team volunteer, Christophe Bondue of Belgium, have been arrested in the Faroe Islands.
According to Faroese police they are accused of 'Intervention with the Grind'.
Further, two crewmembers of The MV Brigitte Bardot, Xavier Figarella of Corsica/France and Marianne Baldo of Italy, have also been detained by Faroese police.
A legal representative for Sea Shepherd understands that Figarella and Baldo have not been arrested, however this is yet to be confirmed.
Police have advised that all four crewmembers will be held overnight.

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