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【朝日】国立大での国旗掲揚や国歌斉唱を文科省が要請 大学自治への不当な介入だ 安倍首相は猛省すべき

562 :名無しさん@1周年:2015/04/11(土) 15:44:22.57 ID:LHFRjOu/0.net
God Save The Queen was previously used as the Scottish team's anthem, but it was replaced during the 1970s
due to consistent booing at matches. Scotland the Brave was initially used as a replacement, with Flower of Scotland being commonly used since 1990.

当初は代替曲として「Scotland the Brave」が使われていたが、1990年代以降は「Flower of Scotland」が広く使われるようになった。

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★