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【朝日】国立大での国旗掲揚や国歌斉唱を文科省が要請 大学自治への不当な介入だ 安倍首相は猛省すべき

527 :名無しさん@1周年:2015/04/11(土) 15:39:05.72 ID:LHFRjOu/0.net
2010年12月8日付「French World Cup fiasco still irks Platini」

After Anelka said last week he never wanted to sing the national anthem, Platini added he did not sing it either when he was a player.
"I never sang the Marseillaise and yet I love France," Platini said. "
This is a warrior anthem which has nothing to do with the play and the joy of football."


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