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812 :名無しさん@1周年:2015/02/13(金) 10:16:01.57 ID:a6HMwR7H0.net

Prior to Abe Shinzo's thoughtless pledge of support for this crusade, Japan was not on the
list of priorities to be targeted by the Islamic State, but through Abe Sinzo's foolishness, all
Japanese citizens and interests - wherever they may be found - are now a target for the soldiers
and patrons of the Khilafah everywhere.

Japan is now in a comlicated predicament. How can it escape this threat? Can Abe Shinzo take
the step to save his people whom he recklessly exposed to the wrath of th Khilafah? Can he
Bravely announce the halting of his support for the war against the Khilafah after making his
infamously unwise announcement against the Islamic State? That is very doubtful...

So let his citizens know that the sword of the Khilafah has been unsheathed against the
pagans of Japan by Allah's might and power...


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