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【世論調査】朝日検証報道、7割が不十分 女性に厳しい反応・・・不十分だとしたのは男性が69・4%、女性は72・0%

152 :名無しさん@0新周年@\(^o^)/:2014/08/11(月) 21:29:53.65 ID:y+2tXjk90.net

Early in May of 1942 Japanese agents
arrived in Korea for the purpose of enlisting Korean girls for "comfort service" in newly
conquered Japanese territories in Southeast Asia. The nature of this "service" was not
specified but it was assumed to be work connected with visiting the wounded in
hospitals, rolling bandages, and generally making the soldiers happy. The inducement
used by these agents was plenty of money, an opportunity to pay off the family debts, easy work, and the prospect of a new life in
a new land, Singapore. On the basis of these false representations many girls enlisted for
overseas duty and were rewarded with an advance of a few hundred yen.




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