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441 :名無しさん@13周年@\(^o^)/:2014/05/05(月) 22:08:22.06 ID:E5rbhWRo0.net
The thing that first struck me most strongly about this published protocol is that it is not the
same protocol reported in the Nature papers and it also is not the same as the recently posted RIKEN STAP protocol.
What the heck?

This new method seems to be the Vacanti Lab “how to”, but to me at least there sure seem to be subtleties.

This new Vacanti Lab protocol involves combining in sequential steps both of two key stressing steps for cells: trituration
and acid treatment. The main difference from previous protocols seems to be the implication that both of these
stressors in combination are recommended. Further the trituration is divided into 3 steps: cells going through a
standard Pasteur Pipette, cells then going through a pipette with a 100-150 micron lumen and then finally through
a pipette with a smaller lumen of 50-70 microns.

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