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【STAP問題】 理研調査委員長が辞任の意向 自身の論文データに疑義 [産経新聞]

787 :名無しさん@13周年@\(^o^)/:2014/04/25(金) 11:08:52.51 ID:aQptjLpE0.net
小保方 許せないので逮捕され取り調べ中
石井 誤解だったとその場で和解


According to a spokesperson for Nature: “In cases where not all of the authors agree on a retraction, Nature evaluates whether the evidence available supports the main conclusions of the paper.
We may decide to retract in cases where the authors cannot provide evidence to support the main conclusions of the paper. In such cases, if some authors still disagree with the retraction, we note the dissenting authors in the retraction notice.”

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