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81 :132人目の素数さん:2024/01/16(火) 11:58:20.62 ID:Ai7YhS3I.net
>>岡潔の進めようとした方法をカルタンとセールが精錬精製し(コヒーレント)層にして 代数幾何を含めて汎用的に使えるようにした

”1951 The Cartan seminar proves theorems A and B, based on Oka's work”が、いま問題の話ですね

Sheaf (mathematics)
The first origins of sheaf theory are hard to pin down – they may be co-extensive with the idea of analytic continuation[clarification needed]. It took about 15 years for a recognisable, free-standing theory of sheaves to emerge from the foundational work on cohomology.
・1936 Eduard Čech introduces the nerve construction, for associating a simplicial complex to an open covering.
・1938 Hassler Whitney gives a 'modern' definition of cohomology, summarizing the work since J. W. Alexander and Kolmogorov first defined cochains.
・1943 Norman Steenrod publishes on homology with local coefficients.[18]
・1945 Jean Leray publishes work carried out as a prisoner of war, motivated by proving fixed-point theorems for application to PDE theory; it is the start of sheaf theory and spectral sequences.[19]
・1947 Henri Cartan reproves the de Rham theorem by sheaf methods, in correspondence with André Weil (see De Rham–Weil theorem). Leray gives a sheaf definition in his courses via closed sets (the later carapaces).
・1948 The Cartan seminar writes up sheaf theory for the first time.
・1950 The "second edition" sheaf theory from the Cartan seminar: the sheaf space (espace étalé) definition is used, with stalkwise structure. Supports are introduced, and cohomology with supports. Continuous mappings give rise to spectral sequences. At the same time Kiyoshi Oka introduces an idea (adjacent to that) of a sheaf of ideals, in several complex variables.
・1951 The Cartan seminar proves theorems A and B, based on Oka's work.
・1953 The finiteness theorem for coherent sheaves in the analytic theory is proved by Cartan and Jean-Pierre Serre,[20] as is Serre duality.

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