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What Are the Differences Between Backups and Disaster Recovery?

Erin Masterson
Disaster Recovery, Data Centers, Infrastructure Availability

Disaster recovery planning is an integral part of any business’s IT strategy, and is becoming more prevalent as security breaches and network outages have become common threats, and the cost of downtime has steadily increased.

In the beginning stages of disaster recovery planning, decision makers are often mistaken about what constitutes a disaster recovery plan.
Many times they are misled by the idea that data backup is sufficient precaution in the event of a disaster.

“Customers often come to us seeking disaster recovery services without realizing that simply backing up their data is not enough,” says Joe Palian, Regional Account Executive at Expedient.

While having a backup strategy is important, it is not the same as a disaster recovery strategy; rather, the beginning stages of establishing a proper DR plan.
A backup is a copy of your data; a disaster recovery plan is insurance that guarantees its recovery.

So, what makes backups and disaster recovery different?

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