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824 :Classical名無しさん:2015/09/08(火) 23:18:02.74 ID:Yn8LNFb/.net
Takashi Hira ・ Keio University

Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) and Discrete Dipole Approximation (DDA) are frequently used for nano optics research.
These algorithms are proof against any complicated structure of model. They can be used for any problem in classical optics.

There are many other algorithms which advocate that less computing resources is needed, but they need drastically much resources for complicated model.
They need highly simple and symmetric model.

And software interface and implementation are important.
If you can use only poor implementation software, you can't simulate realistic model which has a dispersive complex refractive index or a negative refractive index.
When I used a certain commercial FDTD code made in Japan, poor implementation embarrassed me.

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