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1 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2023/05/09(火) 02:34:03.42 ID:xlJHKstG.net


2 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2023/05/10(水) 11:43:43.67 ID:jPujNn6G.net
AIの活用で、日本は変えられる(株)JDSC 東大ベンチャー https://jdsc.ai/news/
https://jdsc.ai/news/news-3258/ DX推進は、JDSCにご相談ください! ?お気軽にご相談いただけるDX支援メニューを提供

現代ビジネス 2023.03.13
「AIに仕事は奪われませんよ」から「今度は本当に奪われますよ」のヤバすぎる逆転…「第4次AIブームは《インターネットの発明》を超えるインパクトになる」と松尾豊さんが断言 サイエンスZERO NHK
「インターネットという発明を超えるインパクト」!? “第4次AIブーム”の幕開

サイエンスZERO NHK 230326(日)夜11:30 NHK Eテレ 現代ビジネス 23.03.13

https://fce-pat.co.jp/case/ RPAロボパット年間24000時間の業務を削減 月の作業時間が5分の1に

https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/f39ad02501bb12869d9e5719638acae2bba95c09 ひろゆき氏「日本の生産性が低い理由」を分析2023/1/16 スポニチアネックス

https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOGM2827P0Y2A720C2000000/ ソフトバンクG孫氏「DXを通じ日本をAI先進国に」230728 日経「日本はもともとハイテク国家だったが、現在の競争力は低迷している。AIの導入率でも非常に後れを取っている」と危機感

//www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOGN081QC0Y2A500C2000000/?unlock=1 マスク氏日本はいずれ存在せず出生率低下に警鐘日経

3 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2023/07/28(金) 23:03:39.08 ID:???.net

4 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2023/08/24(木) 03:32:29.50 ID:???.net
オラオラ (  ̄Д ̄)y-*);゚皿゚)ノ アチチチッ!!!

5 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2023/09/16(土) 21:25:59.33 ID:???.net

6 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2023/09/17(日) 00:13:06.13 ID:twx/Prp7.net
温暖化解決ジェット気流発電のクラウドファンディング開始。Tシャツやステッカー。支援よろしくお願いします。 将来値上がりするかも

7 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2023/09/25(月) 10:48:45.26 ID:???.net
_机_┗┐(-c_,-。)y-~ ふぅ

8 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2023/10/04(水) 23:03:17.89 ID:???.net
Σ(`Д´ )マジ!?

9 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2023/10/18(水) 12:49:15.10 ID:???.net

10 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2023/12/22(金) 15:18:24.45 ID:???.net

11 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2024/03/09(土) 20:47:43.36 ID:???.net

12 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2024/03/21(木) 01:14:36.54 ID:WbcuaxeI7
(ref.) тtps://www.call4.jp/info.php?tyΡe=items&id=I0000062
tТPs://haneda-project.jimdofreе.com/ , Τtps://flight-routе.Com/

13 :electric energy,:2024/03/21(木) 07:59:42.05
浮体式 洋上風力発電、実証事業、経済産業省、

秋田県沖、NEDO 秋田県沖、新潟県沖、山形県沖合、

NEDO、浮体式洋上風力発電 実証事業、経済産業省、



14 :renewable energy:2024/03/23(土) 02:23:41.68
Heater to steam
Turbine is turned to generate electricity
Hitachi, Toshiba, NEDO, TEPCO.
G.E. will research and develop other power generation methods.
on energy issues.
By Hitachi, Toshiba, NEDO, TEPCO. and TEPCO.
G.E. will research and develop other methods of power generation.
Other Power Generation Methods with Steam Power Generation,
In Energy Matters.
Other Power Generation Methods,

15 :renewable energy:2024/03/23(土) 03:23:10.30
Water is turned into steam by a heater
steam power generation by turning a turbine.
Hitachi, Toshiba, NEDO, Tokyo Electric Power Co.
Hitachi, Toshiba, NEDO, TEPCO, and TEPCO are engaged in research and development in this field,
Other Power Generation Methods
Energy Issues
Other Power Generation Methods
of steam power generation, which uses a heater to turn water into steam and
of steam power generation that turns a turbine.
Hitachi, Toshiba, NEDO
Tokyo Electric Power Co.
Tokyo Electric Power Co.
Other power generation methods
Energy issues,
Other Power Generation Methods
With Hitachi, Toshiba, NEDO, and Tokyo Electric Power Co.
Toshiba, NEDO, and TEPCO have joined forces with Hitachi, Ltd., NEDO, and TEPCO in the field of steam power generation.
Research and development of other power generation methods
Energy Issues

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16 :g.e vestas, siemens,:2024/03/25(月) 02:06:01.24
Offshore Wind Power Today,
becoming a major power source.
base energy source.
And a stable power supply.
And a stable source of power,
Offshore wind power is needed in every country and ocean region of the world
Wind power is a power generation technology that is needed in every country and ocean region of the world.
Wind power is a necessary power generation technology in every country and ocean area of the world.
Renewable Energy,
Offshore wind power could be built in any country in the world.
Every country in the world has suitable sites for offshore wind power, and every country has the potential to build it.
It is a promising method of power generation.
Access to electricity that is difficult to supply
Countries with difficult or inaccessible power supply.
This power generation method has the potential to supply electricity to inaccessible countries where electricity supply is difficult,
Where you need it, in the amount you need it.
Power plants can be built where needed and in the quantity needed to be the main source of electricity.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

17 :nedo g.e tepco,:2024/03/25(月) 05:31:05.49
Heater turns water into steam.
Steam power generation of the type that turns a turbine.
Other power generation methods
Hitachi, Toshiba, G.E., nedo, TEPCO, and
Tokyo Electric Power Co.
Other power generation methods,
A heater like an electric kettle.
The heater is used to turn water into steam
turbine to generate electricity.
Hitachi, Toshiba, g.e., nedo, Tokyo Electric Power Co.
Hitachi, Toshiba, g.e., nedo, Tokyo Electric Power Co.
Research and develop other methods of power generation,
On energy issues.
In 2050, they plan to take measures to reduce CO
On energy issues.
Research and develop other methods of power generation.

18 :nedo g.e tepco,:2024/03/25(月) 06:48:12.26

 実証事業、NEDO 清水建設、丸紅、大林組、

 NEDO 清水建設、実証事業、

 浮体式洋上風力発電 青森県つがる沖

 青森県 つがる海峡、浮体式洋上風力発電 実証事業

 青森県 つがる海峡、浮体式洋上風力発電 実証事業

 青森県 つがる沖、浮体部 土台、IHI 大阪で

 セミサブ型 浮体を作成、2024年度中、IHI 大阪で

 セミサブ型 浮体部を作成、土台、g.e社制 MHI製風車

 MHI 三菱 清水建設 NEDO 丸紅、

 青森県 つがる沖 青森県 つがる海峡

 浮体式洋上風力発電 実証事業

 青森県 実証事業、NEDO MHI 三菱 清水建設

 NEDO 青森県 実証事業 つがる海峡

 浮体式洋上風力発電 実証事業 IHI 大阪で 土台制作

 清水建設 青森県 丸紅 MHI 三菱 NEDO 青森県

 経済産業省、 青森県 つがる海峡 風況、青森県、

 産業誘致、青森県 つがる沖 つがる海峡、実証事業 丸紅)

19 :nedo g.e tepco,:2024/03/25(月) 07:12:54.45

 実証事業、NEDO 清水建設、丸紅、大林組、

 NEDO 清水建設、実証事業、

 浮体式洋上風力発電 青森県つがる沖

 青森県 つがる海峡、浮体式洋上風力発電 実証事業

 青森県 つがる海峡、浮体式洋上風力発電 実証事業

 青森県 つがる沖、浮体部 土台、IHI 大阪で

 セミサブ型 浮体を作成、2024年度中、IHI 大阪で

 セミサブ型 浮体部を作成、土台、g.e社制 MHI製風車

 MHI 三菱 清水建設 NEDO 丸紅、

 青森県 つがる沖 青森県 つがる海峡

 浮体式洋上風力発電 実証事業

 青森県 実証事業、NEDO MHI 三菱 清水建設

 NEDO 青森県 実証事業 つがる海峡

 浮体式洋上風力発電 実証事業 IHI 大阪で 土台制作

 清水建設 青森県 丸紅 MHI 三菱 NEDO 青森県

 経済産業省、 青森県 つがる海峡 風況、青森県、

 産業誘致、青森県 つがる沖 つがる海峡、実証事業 丸紅)

20 :nedo g.e tepco,:2024/03/26(火) 08:27:02.66
Knox Removal System
Carbon Reduction Measures for Coal
Mandate carbon emission reduction measures for coal electric utilities,
Require coal-fired power producers to
Require coal electric utilities to take measures to reduce carbon emissions
in coal stacks
Implement carbon reduction systems.
Systematize the system,
Carbon reduction measures.
Require coal electric utilities to implement carbon reduction measures,
U.S. NOX removal system G.E.
Carbon reduction measures
Energy Issues
2050, with carbon emission reduction plan,

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21 :g.e coal energy issues,:2024/03/26(火) 14:52:44.54
nox removal system with Hitachi Zosen Corporation.
Made in the U.S.A. by g.e. made in the U.S.A.
nox removal system, a carbon reduction measure
system to coal chimneys.
Obligate coal electric utilities to systematize coal chimneys,
carbon reduction measures,
Requires coal electric utilities to systematize coal chimneys with a carbon
reduction measures to be systematized in coal stacks.
Require coal electric utilities to systemize
in cop28, requiring coal electric utilities to
carbon reduction measures.
Systematize carbon reduction measures in coal chimneys
Mandate coal electric utilities to
carbon reduction measures, in cop28.
Scheduled for 2050, carbon reduction
by decarbonization,
In carbon emissions

22 :g.e coal energy issues,:2024/03/27(水) 10:01:22.33
Turn water into steam using a heater.
turbine, which turns the turbine, and the brackish power generation
Hitachi, Toshiba, nedo and the field of power generation.
TEPCO, Tokyo Electric Power Company, and g.e.
Hitachi, Toshiba, nedo, TEPCO, Tokyo Electric Power Company, and g.e. will research and develop
other power generation methods.
on energy issues.
Turning water into steam using a heater
turbine, and turn the turbine, the brackish power generation
field with Hitachi, Toshiba, nedo and TEPCO.
Tokyo Electric Power Company to research and develop
other power generation methods.
energy issues,
with steam using heaters.
turbine with steam using a heater.
Hitachi, Toshiba, nedo and TEPCO are
Tokyo Electric Power Company to research and develop
other power generation methods.
on energy issues.
2050 With the schedule of measures to reduce carbon emissions

23 :g.e coal energy issues,:2024/03/27(水) 10:01:46.31
Turn water into steam using a heater.
turbine, which turns the turbine, and the brackish power generation
Hitachi, Toshiba, nedo and the field of power generation.
TEPCO, Tokyo Electric Power Company, and g.e.
Hitachi, Toshiba, nedo, TEPCO, Tokyo Electric Power Company, and g.e. will research and develop
other power generation methods.
on energy issues.
Turning water into steam using a heater
turbine, and turn the turbine, the brackish power generation
field with Hitachi, Toshiba, nedo and TEPCO.
Tokyo Electric Power Company to research and develop
other power generation methods.
energy issues,
with steam using heaters.
turbine with steam using a heater.
Hitachi, Toshiba, nedo and TEPCO are
Tokyo Electric Power Company to research and develop
other power generation methods.
on energy issues.
2050 With the schedule of measures to reduce carbon emissions

24 :energy issues,:2024/03/28(木) 19:32:32.31
nox removal system
Using ammonia
nox removal system
Made in the U.S.A. by g.e.
decarbonation system,
to be systematized in coal chimneys.
Coal electric utilities are obliged to systematize coal chimneys,
carbon reduction measures.
energy issues.
In cop28
In carbon reduction measures,
carbon emissions.
nox removal system
Made in the U.S.A. by g.e.
decarbonization system,
system to coal chimneys.
carbon reduction measures.
Coal electric utilities are obliged to take measures to reduce carbon
Planned carbon reduction measures
2050, with a schedule of carbon reduction measures,
In cop28, carbon reduction measures are recommended

25 :energy issues,:2024/04/01(月) 13:15:46.18
Turns water into steam using a heater
Steam is used to turn a turbine to generate steam
field of power generation with Hitachi and Toshiba
g.e, nedo, TEPCO, and MHI Mitsubishi.
Research and develop the field of steam power generation,
MHI Mitsubishi will research and develop steam power generation,
other power generation methods,
water using a heater as a heat source.
steam to steam to turn a turbine
Steam power generation
A non-nuclear power generation method.
research and development,
other methods of power generation,
non-nuclear power generation methods.
Research and develop other power generation methods that are not nuclear power,
other methods of power generation,
MHI Mitsubishi to research and develop
Research and develop other power generation methods that are not nuclear power at MHI-Mitsubishi,
other power generation methods.
On energy issues
In cop28,

26 :carbon emisson, cop28,:2024/04/01(月) 17:08:15.58
(モンゴル高原、陸上風力発電所 中国企業、


 モンゴル高原、陸上風力発電所 中国企業 中国政府、


 cop28  中国政府、陸上風力発電所 モンゴル高原、中国、)

27 :cop28,:2024/04/12(金) 04:02:59.18
MHI Mitsubishi and Hitachi Zosen.
nox removal system and carbon reduction
systems for carbon reduction measures.
made in the U.S.A. and jointly developed by MHI-Mitsubishi and Hitachi Zosen.
and production,
Produced in the U.S.A. and
Euro type 180m
to be systematized in coal chimneys.
Obligate coal electric utilities to
Euro and G20 countries and
cop28 countries to coal chimneys.
Introduce, in g.e., the production of
of carbon reduction with ammonia.
system to be developed and produced in g.e,
Order from g.e USA.
Systematize in coal chimneys with duct chimneys
g.e and carbon reduction so that it can be
Work with g.e. on carbon reduction measures,
The U.S. government is also working to reduce carbon emissions.
The U.S. government also supports the reduction of carbon emissions,
Work with cop28 on carbon reduction measures,

28 :coal cop28:2024/04/17(水) 05:48:40.15
Now, the U.S. is
Reduce coal stack carbon by 20
coal stacks by 20%,
Coal stack carbon has been reduced by 20%,
The U.S. and Japan have been able to reduce carbon
measure system for coal chimneys.
carbon reductions,
Euro coal chimneys
MHI, Hitachi Zosen and g.e. carbon reduction
By systematizing a system of countermeasures to
should be introduced,
The system of carbon reduction measures should be introduced,
g.e and the U.S. government should
support carbon reduction,
The g.e. made in the U.S.A.
Carbon reduction systems should be
system to the Euro coal chimneys is
The U.S. is reducing coal carbon by 20%.
Euro and world coal chimneys are
carbon reduction with g.e. and the U.S. government.
and the U.S. government to reduce carbon emissions,
Carbon reduction was the theme of cop28.

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29 :coal cop28:2024/04/17(水) 12:51:57.29
Euro type of coal
Reducing carbon in chimneys is,
supported by the U.S. government.
of Euro type coal chimneys.
Reduction of carbon
g.e U.S. has the technology.
g.e American-made carbon reduction systems.
Install a chimney made of ducted
Install ducts at the top of the chimney and
Euro type coal chimneys are,
The carbon reduction is
supported by the U.S. government.
Euro-type coal chimneys are
U.S. reduction of carbon
The U.S. government supports carbon reduction, so the U.S. and
cooperate with the U.S. to reduce carbon g.e. and
g.e and MHI's carbon reduction system,
We can achieve carbon reduction with the U.S. government.

30 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2024/04/22(月) 19:29:07.01 ID:???.net

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