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Fat chicks

20 :maji:2008/07/01(Tue) 02:07:23 ID:Y/Xx3w/R0.net
But don't Japanese people walk a lot?
North Americans get fat because they drive everywhere.

21 :maji:2008/07/01(Tue) 06:45:04 ID:0Qj+F7GF0.net
I've actually been losing weight lately. I'm not sure why.
It's nothing alarming--I lost five pounds in two months.
However, it doesn't seem to be stopping.

It's also strange because I don't really exercise.
I just sit in front of the computer all day.

22 :maji:2008/07/01(Tue) 07:04:24 ID:Y/Xx3w/R0.net
5 lbs in two months? That's not a whole lot...

But then again, how much do you weigh to begin with?
If you don't weigh that much, then I suppose 5 lbs would be a bit.

23 :maji:2008/07/01(Tue) 07:57:19 ID:0Qj+F7GF0.net
To begin with, I weighed 128 pounds. I'm 18, by the way.

24 :maji:2008/07/01(Tue) 09:11:43 ID:eIPbbyr40.net
Actually that's not bad at all.
Despite what tv and advertisements will tell you, "30 pounds in 30 days! is not common or healthy.

25 :maji:2008/07/01(Tue) 09:22:51 ID:aXPoa7Bq0.net
Whenever I see Before/After pictures of women in weight loss advertisements, I find the Before picture more attractive.

26 :maji:2008/07/01(Tue) 15:35:32 ID:Gwk2cSof0.net
I see a lot of Japanese tourist girls eating at Subway and flipping through their little guidebooks.

What do those guidebooks say, anyway? They're thick as hell. I think it's shopping advice.

27 :maji:2008/07/01(Tue) 16:15:09 ID:aXPoa7Bq0.net
As an American tourist in Tokyo I ate at Subway and flipped through my map and guidebooks a lot.
You go to familiar fast food places when you have no idea what the hell to eat but you're hungry and don't feel like gambling, I guess.
Starbucks in Tokyo is just like home

28 :maji:2008/07/02(Wed) 01:24:04 ID:R4fe3mLw0.net
I agree with you. Those advertisements make the people lose too much good fat.

29 :American Unko:2008/07/02(Wed) 23:07:21 ID:vLa9FSam0.net
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30 :maji:2008/08/01(Fri) 14:01:44 ID:RJ9kdNGb0.net

Moshi moshi Donarudo desu.
Ahahaha! Ran ran ru~!

i'm love NEET

31 :maji:2009/08/02(Sun) 04:15:08 ID:4qa4+0oC0.net
>>1is Debusen

32 :maji:2010/02/10(Wed) 15:23:27 ID:TtVRfyiO0.net
We Japanese the Mongoloid race gets diabetes more easily than the Caucasoid.
So We have to be very sensitive for our weight

33 :maji:2010/02/14(Sun) 13:51:32 ID:5VYSoA1c0.net
>the Mongoloid race gets diabetes more easily than the Caucasoid.
Is this true??

34 :180-144-58-96f1.osk3.eonet.ne.jp:2010/12/11(Sat) 19:03:00 ID:KTAKOeCP0.net
Akina's nice short story

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Thank you for lending valuable advertising space.

35 :maji:2011/07/23(Sat) 22:05:36.11 ID:B/1ZdLpA0.net
yankee is pizza.

36 :maji:2011/07/31(Sun) 22:04:35.26 ID:QGTz+Emp0.net
cao ni ma

37 : 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 :2011/09/19(Mon) 23:54:09.66 ID:dl++32FU0.net
debu pizza men.

38 :maji:2011/09/21(Wed) 07:47:57.03 ID:fNQE9cD60.net
Eat the pizzas, fat fuck

39 :maji:2011/10/03(Mon) 02:55:19.78 ID:lyT27ra20.net
not rare

40 : 忍法帖【Lv=3,xxxP】 :2011/12/07(Wed) 23:26:12.02 ID:3mfYrzUs0.net

41 :maji:2012/01/17(Tue) 03:16:51.95 ID:+TKgh9iz0.net
yngwie gagamaruteen

42 :maji:2012/09/11(Tue) 04:02:55.50 ID:7Hn8O/F/0.net
mokkori daijin

43 : 忍法帖【Lv=12,xxxPT】(1+0:8) :2012/12/08(Sat) 02:50:29.01 ID:OyoI2mwH0.net

44 :maji:2016/09/23(Fri) 23:43:12.35 ID:U5D3tqB90.net

45 :maji:2024/04/10(Wed) 08:35:27.74 ID:azxaqTfF0.net

46 :maji:2024/04/10(Wed) 17:40:16.63 ID:XU75N9y/0.net

47 :maji:2024/04/10(Wed) 17:40:26.51 ID:XU75N9y/0.net

48 :maji:2024/04/10(Wed) 17:40:33.74 ID:XU75N9y/0.net

49 :maji:2024/04/11(木) 02:11:56.79 ID:762b5LNb0.net

50 :maji:2024/04/12(Fri) 07:28:21.99 ID:O8FcV/C10.net

51 :maji:2024/05/12(Sun) 11:01:19.26 ID:yxBA9+bu0.net


52 :maji:2024/05/14(Tue) 04:33:33.66 ID:jUfru71O0.net

53 :maji:2024/05/24(Fri) 01:28:43.79 ID:ykEHeBb10.net

54 :maji:2024/05/24(Fri) 05:20:53.39 ID:ykEHeBb10.net

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